AngularFire / Protractor: a solution to the famous ScriptTimeoutError error message
I worked hard on the protractor.conf.js configuration file and on the .steps.ts files by trying several possible combinations:
When(/^User click on the button "([^"]*)"$/, async (id) => {
await element(;
When(/^User click on the button "([^"]*)"$/, function(id:string, callback){
but no light at the end of the tunnel.
Until I come across a discussion on github ( where I discover that the problem comes from the AngularFirestore that operates in the same execution context "zone" than Angular; AngularFirestore triggers a series of intervals and timeouts, which, in turn, prevent protractor from synchronizing with Angular.
The solution:
Well, you just have to run AngularFirestore in a different execution context than the main context, namely the angular framework. using NgZone
import { Injectable, NgZone } from '@angular/core';
import { AngularFirestore } from 'angularfire2/firestore';
export class FirestoreService {
private firestore: AngularFirestore,
private zone: NgZone) {
save(item: any, collection: string){ => {
let shirtsCollection = firestore.collection<Item>('tshirts');
shirtsCollection.add({ name: 'item', price: 10 });
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